Colleges and Universities

Links to emergency notification systems for the five-county Houston region are given below, divided by colleges and universities. Some schools do not offer email or phone emergency alerts. In that situation, please use your county’s service. Be aware that not all alert systems will announce every emergency. Some systems are intended only for emergency closure information, and will not provide disaster information. Always rely on multiple sources of information, including local media. Be aware that technical difficulties could prevent the timely receipt of text message or email alerts. College and university emergency alert systems are often tied to students’ and staff members’ school accounts. Accessing these alert systems requires the user to be affiliated with the school and enter a username and password.

Corrections on items in the lists above should be sent to

All systems are administered by the jurisdiction listed, or that jurisdiction’s contractor. The Houston Urban Area Security Initiative does not administer any of the systems listed above and cannot address technical questions, registration issues, or other problems. Information on this site is limited to systems with registration forms or documentation accessible online. If your jurisdiction or school does not have a link to an emergency notification system, one may still be available. Contact your school for more information.



Emergency Plan Checklist

Sit down together and decide how you will get in contact with each other, where you will go, and what you will do in an emergency. +DOWNLOAD NOW

Disaster Preparedness Guide

The Disaster Preparedness Guide will help you be better prepared for the next big disaster. Thank you for taking the first step. +DOWNLOAD NOW

Emergency Plan Checklist

Sit down together and decide how you will get in contact with each other, where you will go, and what you will do in an emergency.


Disaster Preparedness Guide

The Disaster Preparedness Guide will help you be better prepared for the next big disaster. Thank you for taking the first step.

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