Employer Information

We have created a program for employers in our region. Combined with your own organization procedures and protocol, the free DVD and facilitator guide is designed to alert those who work in public places to the possible signs of a pending terrorist attack.

Although federal, state and local authorities are diligently doing their jobs in trying to prevent terrorism, aware and observant citizens are invaluable allies. The program addresses those who work at locations frequented by the public and therefore at a higher-risk for a terrorist attack. Though work may sometimes feel like just a job, it is important to stay alert for the kind of suspicious activity that can indeed indicate a potential danger to civilians and property.


Facilitator Guide and DVD

The 12-page Facilitator Guide is developed to work in concert with two videos.Obviously, before showing the videos, your audience needs a brief summary of what they’re about to see and why. It is recommended that you view the videos in their entirety prior to the initial showing. Briefly explain that there will be a recap of the main points following the video’s presentation.

The recap session should allow time for your employees to comment or ask questions about any issue mentioned in Make the Call — or any issue not mentioned that may warrant discussion. It is import to “localize” the video by sharing specific response instructions or procedures that may already be established for your location.

Download a copy of the Facilitator Guide in English or Spanish here, or contact us to request a printed version of the guide and a DVD of the videos.

Click here to watch the videos. To request a DVD copy of the videos for your place of business, contact us here.



Emergency Plan Checklist

Sit down together and decide how you will get in contact with each other, where you will go, and what you will do in an emergency. +DOWNLOAD NOW

Disaster Preparedness Guide

The Disaster Preparedness Guide will help you be better prepared for the next big disaster. Thank you for taking the first step. +DOWNLOAD NOW

Active Shooter Event

When an active shooter is in your vicinity, you must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with the situation. Watch the videos below to learn how to survive an active shooter event.



Suspicious Behavior and Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs)

Watch the videos below to learn how to be aware of suspicious behavior and Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs).

Civilian – English
Civilian – English – Subtitled
Employee – English
IEDs – English